Welcome to our November 2021 newsletter.
Included in November's Newsletter are stretches, information about IHUK's anti-bullying policy, the offside rule and a video to show to your children explaining it. This month we are focusing on good sportsmanship. Certificates are going to be given to the children and these can be collected to earn prizes.
Competition time: We need a club slogan. Send your entries to mkstorm.secretary@gmail.com for your chance to win a prize.
Looking to become an Ice Hockey Coach? We are looking to hold a Level 1 coaching course in Milton Keynes. Get in touch if you are interested mkstorm.secretary@gmail.com.
#newsletter #november2021 #MKStormcommittee #clubrules #respect #integrity #teamplayer #competition #homework #stretches #antibullying #ihuk #offside #coachingcourse #level1coaches #mktraining #coachtraining #playerachievements #goals #website #socialmedia #expandingourteam #joinus #teamsport #icehockey #junioricehockey #mkstorm #mkjihc